On the 9th February Colin Parker will be providing a talk about his investigations of Stone Henge and his conclusions which have also been published in his book ‘How To Read Stonehenge’, Our doors will be open from 7pm so come early for a front row seat, tea and biscuits will be provided.

Our address: Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3JB

A Fascinating, meticulously researched ground-breaking new book – by local author Colin Parker who has spent many years investigating the mystery surrounding Britain’s most enigmatic monument. We think of Stonehenge as a religious temple but it is much more. Colin’s multi-disciplined approach to Stonehenge and its landscape, enabled him to decipher the hidden in plain sight Stonehenge ‘Architects Double-Doorway Stone Formations Visual Key’ cunningly produced by perspective, mentioned by Henry of Huntington in 1130 AD…which reveals Britain’s Most Famous Landmark to be a working device constructed to indicate the sunrise and sunset on sixteen ‘vitally important’ dates in their ancient and our modern agricultural calendar – thousands of years later. Despite the presumed pilfering of around half the stones by various unknown people throughout history, provided you do not stand within the stones as advised by the various authorities, but instead remain outside the stone circle on the visitors designated pathway looking through the stones still standing today!

After reading ‘How to Read Stonehenge’ you too will know the assigned double-doorway stone formations chosen by the architects for the sun too rise and set between, on or around the day of your past or future visit. The double-doorway assigned by the architects for the June summer solstice sunset, when Stonehenge is closed is shown on the front cover produced using two photographs. The first in the sunset sequence resembling a reflection is shown upside down. Not to be confused with the June summer solstice sunrise, witnessed that morning by thousands of people granted special access within the stones, who like the million plus visitors per year believe archaeologists and others, who state Stonehenge is a non-working ruined temple constructed solely for the December winter solstice sunset.

Available at Bookshops and Amazon
Further information stunning photographs featured in the book visit: www.howtoreadstonehenge.com

There are many ways a dowser can use their skills, they can dowse for water, Earth energies and Dragon lines but another fantastic use of your dowsing is to communicate with nature, you can ask the ‘Spirit of Place’ a question and using your dowsing rod or pendulum to receive an answer, just as you can with a Dragon line.

For many fantastic ideas of which part of nature you can communicate with, pop along to the Farnham Eco Cinema gathering to catch the latest film this month.

Wetheuncivilised, A Life Story, is a film about possibilities to discover what you are missing.

Tuesday, 23rd January 7-10pm
Farnham Pottery, Wrecclesham, Farnham GU10 4SL

More information on

“A stunning, sensitive journey into ecology, humanity and spirituality.”
A couple confront the reality of our times and discover a hidden culture of
connection and belonging.

Wetheuncivilised – a life story

Waverley dowsers has been finding and connecting with Dragon lines around the English countryside for many years, Dragon lines can be found all over the world and are now been confirmed in Space and on other Planets.

If you are a dowser, you can visit an old Church near you and we would expect to find Dragon energy lines flowing through the Church. Primarily because the Church builders built the Churches on these lines as the energy and consciousness of the Dragons are considered sacred throughout Christendom in ancient times. (and still are)

Here is a short video explaining from a scientific perspective what scientists are beginning to learn and understand about the Dragon lines and it includes a short summary of the structure or body of our blessed Dragons.

Waverley Dowsers visit Dragon lines to commune and connect with them, come and join us for those visits.

Michael Haxeltine is forever searching for examples where dowsing is used abroad. Recently while in France he found that in some hospitals a notice can be found where you can find the contact details for alternative treatments and that included the addresses of dowsers.

He also found that the French Gendarmeries used dowsing in rural areas more than in the town areas.

If you hear or see any examples of dowsing in use whilst on holiday anywhere please let Michael know especially if the police are involved as he is the throes of running a morning introduction workshop for the police. However that is arresting in terms of time…

Please contact Michael through our contact form on this website.

Energetic Wisdom is a fast track route to health and well-being. Former osteopath, Tony Mills, realised that manipulation of the skeletal structure was not always the answer and to best help his clients, he had to address the root cause.

Tony works on the principle that we create dis-ease and dis-comfort in our bodies as a consequence of our thoughts and emotions.

Through dowsing and Kinesiology Tony is able to communicate with the clients Higher Self and find out what is causing imbalances. Then, using the Living Lens, which is a sacred geometric device which Tony channelled from a Higher Source, the system is harmonised.

Tony has helped many clients with allergies, food intolerances, Candida, Parasites, back and neck problems, insomnia, digestive problems, emotional stress, too much mental chatter, exhaustion, chronic fatigue etc.


Sunday 11 February: The Pocket Pendulum with Rosemary

Rosemary Hudson is coming to share with us her recently published book The Pocket Pendulum.


Meetings start at 2pm Doors open 1.40pm.

Indoor Meetings are held at The Basil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,
St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG

£6 non-members, £4 members . £6 to join. Refreshments available .
Subscription renewal October.

Ann Stallybrass will be providing the first lecture in what we hope will be several lectures as she expands on her studies of Star Gates and End Times at Waverley Dowsers on Friday 8th December 2017 at our normal meeting place.

Venue: Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, GU7 3JB
Opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100

Read Ann’s short synopsis here

On Sunday afternoon 12th November, David Charman will give a lesson on how to see those grainy colours that appear in your mind’s eye, for those that can’t already access them.

A description of the most often seen colours and the health disturbances they represent, with a long awaited handout.
A demonstration of energy viewing at work, and how to bring the disturbances you can see back into harmony using pendulum, life style change or programming adjustment.
Meetings start at 2pm Doors open 1.40pm.

Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,
St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG

£6 non-members, £4 members . £6 to join. Refreshments available .

In this video Maria Wheatley discusses some new findings not widely known outside archaeological circles regards Stone Henge, Wood Henge and newly discovered Marden Henge as well as other archaeological finds across the landscape associated with the sacred sites of the Wiltshire landscape. She discuss’s Dragon lines as well as the various Earth energys, (Goddess energy, Ying water, Yang water=rainwater, Standing stones etc) because Earth energies are various and generated by different means, with practise the experienced dowser can determine between them.

A Workshop for Beginners incorporating Mothers and Daughters
Morning 0900 for 0930 – 1230 &
Afternoon 1300 for 1330 – 1630 (applying the techniques covered in the morning)

Venue: Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, GU7 3JB
Opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100

Fees – Adults (18 or over) All day £25 Half day – morning or afternoon only – £15.
Free entry for One/Two under 18’s’ accompanied by a paying adult.

To book your place CONTACT MIKE HAXELTINE 01252 541639

To confirm your booking, please send a cheque payable to Waverley Dowsers to
Michael Haxeltine, 33 Reading Rd, Farnborough GU14 6NH
See www.WaverleyDowsers.co.uk
• use of a dowsing rod and a pendulum,
• show how thought can be transmitted, even to a tree;
• how to check foods as suitable and
• the search for lost items

• If attending full day please bring picnic lunch.
• Tea/ coffee and biscuits are provided

Gary Biltcliffe who came and gave a talk about his co-authored book  ‘The Spine of Albion’ recently was recorded talking further about the Dragon lines, below is the video of this talk at the Dragon festival Glastonbury 2017 –

Here are the links to when Waverley dowsers visited some sites to investigate the Dragon lines at some of these ancient sites.

Catherine’s hill (nr Winchester, Hampshire)

Old Sarum an ancient hill Henge, fort and City


To understand and connect to The Spirituality of Dragons a good place to start would be the Spiritual Wizards website where connecting to Dragons is taught.

STAR GATES AND END TIMES an evening presentation by Anne Stallybrass

WAVERLEY DOWSERS MEETING: Friday 8th December 2017

The term “New Age” was originally coined by the seer Alice Bailey. Findhorn took up the phrase. A popular song announced the “dawning of the Age of Aquarius” True, the Spring Equinox Sun is gradually moving out of the Fishes into the constellation of Aquarius. True, Jesus “the Lamb” sent his disciples out at “fishers of men”, and the Fish symbol was used by early Christians. But the star language has been used without referring to any unequivocal exact marker in the heavens, and the timing is wrong somewhere by about two centuries.

Anne has solved the mystery in a beautiful way, that greatly strengthens the case for Star Ages being objectively real, significant for all ancient peoples, and important for understanding what is happening today. Several very exact star markers indicate that Jesus came at a highly significant Change of Ages; this sheds vital new light on his place in the evolution of humankind. She draws on the methodology of Rudolf Steiner, and while disagreeing with his dates, actually strengthens his basic thesis

Anne Stallybrass


INTUITION an evening talk by John F Donaldson


At the Unitarian Hall, Godalming GU7 3JB 19.00 for 19.30 finishing 21.30

There are four natural functions; that is Intuition, Thinking, Feeling and Sensation. We have natural functional types of people, which over eons have tended to specialise in one of these, resulting in a type of in-balance. What is required or advised is that we seek balance, i.e. firstly we should recognise our own natural type and then how it relates to the others. If we can develop the under-used areas we can become a more balanced Being.

Everything exists by virtue of its opposite and equal complementary. Each function complements one other and opposes the other two. Intuition complements Feeling which complements Intuition, but both oppose Thinking and Sensation. Thinking complements Sensation which complements Thinking, but both oppose Feeling and Intuition. “Know Thy Self”!

International Association of Health Dowsers
Association of Energy Therapists
Runnymede-on-Thames Hotel
Windsor Road, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0AG

Saturday 21st October 2017
10.15am – 5pm (registration from 9.45am)
This event is offered for an unbeatable price of
£75 for AET, IAHD & ACTTS members and £85 for non-members.
We also have a special offer if you book with a friend!

This luxury venue provides a beautiful riverside setting our event.
We have four knowledgeable speakers leading a diverse and experiential learning opportunity.
As a participant you will benefit from this amazing gathering of experts and therapists.
In addition, you will also enjoy lunch in this stunning hotel’s restaurant.

4 Fantastic Speakers that you must come to see:

Karen French
Sacred Geometry: It’s Significance And Potential Within Your Reality

Angela Delglyn
Questions are the Answers – writing a working plan for maintaining your own health

Qi Gong For Health

Avril Holland
The Legalities Of Running A Complementary Therapy Practice

Once again, this exceptional offering is made possible by the organisers subsidising the event.

For further information, or to reserve a place,
please contact Keith Harmon 020 8751 0417 e-mail: nrgft@hotmail.com

Please click on and print your application form below for this Healing convention

Runnymede Convention Advert 2017 Runnymede Convention Booking form 2017


For additional information on this convention please click on this link below.

Runnymede Convention Advert 2017

Roy Riggs will be visiting Waverley dowsers and bringing his research and experience to share with us all on friday 13th October at 7.30 (please arrive by 7.15)

Roy Riggs BSc. International Institute of Building Biology & Ecology

The talk will contain:

Electromagnetic Pollution  [50-60 Hz] Mains electricity

Household Electric fields & Magnetic fields


DC geomagnetic anomalies

Sleeping earthed




Radio/Microwave Frequencies [900 MHz-2.4 GHz]

Mobile phones

Cordless phones

DECT phones


Mobile Phone Masts

Using your dowsing to identify geopathic stress and electromagnetic smog.

Questions and Answers session


International Institute of Building Biology and Ecology

This introduction is intended for those interested in science-based developments in geopathic stress and how to measure electromagnetic pollution in their homes or office. The course offers a verified method of measuring EMF issues and how to implement verifiable changes to regain a harmonious and healthy living space whilst still living and operating within a high technological environment. This introduction to Technopathic & Geopathic  Stress will hopefully encourage candidates to take more professional certificated courses in building biology.

Roy Riggs has a degree in Environmental Science and has completed post graduate research abroad in both geobiology and building biology. He is an accredited Electromagnetic Field Consultant and Professional Dowser who carries out field investigations in both geopathic and electromagnetic energies within the UK and abroad. He is also a guest lecturer on the subject of geobiology at London Westminster University (Department of Integrative medicine) The Royal Homoeopathic Hospital London, The British College of Osteopathic Medicine and Foresight –[The Association for the Promotion of Preconception care.]

Roy Riggs Click to print:

Talk at the Unitarian Hall in Godalming GU7 3JB (opposite the Texaco Garage)    Friday 14th July 2017 19.00 for 19.30 with Keith Harmon.
Keith says: My talk will be based around Energy – different names – associated therapies – different sources of energy – measuring energy – ways of increasing ones or others energy – Qi Gong – Mudras from India – Jin Sin Jyutsu from Japan and more as they say.
The evening will include audience participation and hopefully your members will bring along their L – rods. Pendulums are not as effective, if at all, with the techniques being shown.
Keith is a great friend of Waverley Dowsers and you can catch him on https://www.facebook.com/keith.harmon2 or google “Keith Harmon Dowsing”.

So not a mystery anymore, with Birkland currents getting serious scientific recognition as science begins to recognise the role of Plasma currents in space, we dowsers on earth can point to the currents that flow across the landscape which have had numerous names but which are beginning to solidify around the two popular names for these Plasma constructs.

For the scientific minded these Earth energy lines are now called Tellurian lines and for the Spiritual minded they are called Dragon lines after the ancient British culture which revered these special ‘land Plasma’s, which are woven in to British folklore with location names and Myths. For those who have followed the ‘Mary and Michael Dragon lines‘ know that these Earth energy lines are peppered with Neolithic sacred places and Christian Churches and many, many locations which share Pagan sacred and Christian sacred gathering places on top of each other.

In recent times we have also had mapped for us the Belinus line found in the book, ‘The Spine of Albion’, another pair of Dragon energy’s dowsed from one end of the country to the other and soon we expect these to become as famous worldwide as the ‘Mary and Michael’ Dragon lines.

To understand a bit more about these Tellurian/Dragon lines we have a youtube video which can give a brief but concise description of these Plasma currents which Spiritualists recognise as conscious, and able to communicate with.

Here is the video:


Great food, great company, great evening.
In the deepest Surrey countryside on a warm Summer evening.   Sue, a Waverley dowsers member has a couple of fields which have shown to have been likely occupied in Roman times.   If you project the nearby marked Roman Road, on the OS map, it should pass across the corner of these.   Plus from Google Earth an aerial photo implies that there are outlines of something in her largest field.

We headed off to the Roman Road field and soon pegged out several road features, showing that Roman Roads may not have been all that straight.    Next we headed up to the top field ridge and defined the outline of a reasonably sized farmhouse outline with excellent views of the rolling surrey hills.

We returned for an evening meal and a good chat and finally to watch the full Moon (albeit slightly misty).  All completed by Ken playing his Didgeridoo.   Many thanks to Sue for her hospitality.

Geoff Mitchell


Waverley Dowser recently met at a location in their catchment area of Crondall, Cranleigh, Lightwater, Farnham, Farnborough , Guildford and Haslemere, to put into practice their dowsing skills. The objective was to find the location of a roman road, its width, depth [as they have been covered over time] and direction.

Geoff Mitchell, the current Chair of the Group gave Members a briefing about roman roads and ditches and how vegetation was cleared so as to alleviated ambush positon near the road. He suggested that the group dowse for the type of road surface they were searching for.

The photograph shows the sample field in which they dowsed.

Firstly each member dowsed for the centre line of the [main] road and marked that with a flag and then ranging rods. This produced a near straight line over part of the search area. Then the Group  dowsed  the edges/ditches. Depth of cover over  the road was dowsed for using a pendulum. The pendulum was used in the same way as one might dowse for water depth. All of the these findings were plotted on a field plan.

One member found a “side” road and dated this by pendulum counting as circa 340 AD. This is significant as a coin had been found in this area before the present owner lived there.  Two Members dated the coin as either 320 or 340 AD

The evening cold air was counteracted by a wonderful vegetable soup and home made bread and an in depth discussion on the dowsing results today and a plan for a revisit with the owners consent.

The important thing was by and large the results showed a strong consensus.

The dowsing skills had been gained by self tuition or through training with Waverley Dowser or Nationally run courses, with the BSD.

The Group is always looking for places where dowsing training can be used be it gardens/ houses/offices etc. Members of the Group give talks or run course eg on meditation. Ken, one of the Members brought a Yidaki. This is a ‘Digeridoo’ from a northern native tribe.  Ken played it much to the fascination of friends. The instrument is formed by the work of termites who eat the dead wood inside of a tree or branch to produce a hollow musical instruments.

A most intriguing finale to an educative evening searching for history and culture; with participants from all sorts of backgrounds.

Michael Haxeltine

As part of the Group’s Training programme Waverley Dowsers are holding another Mothers and Daughters introduction to dowsing on the 30th September in Godalming.

Further information on dowsing in the UK or the work of the Group can be viewed on their Web page Waverley Dowsers or from Geoff Mitchell. 01276 472 977 or Michael Haxeltine  01252 541 639


Waverley Abbey is a classical monastic ruin of a Church and Hospital. It was the very first monastery founded in Britain by the reforming Cistercian religious order   It is in a lovely setting on the banks of the River Wey.  We will open up at 10.00am on saturday morning and finish whenever you like (probably close at 16.00).  Bring a packed lunch and your tools. Call in when you can.
Waverley Lane, B3001, on the Road that goes from Milford to Farnham via Elstead where the road crosses the River Wey.
O/S SU  8702 4553   Waverley Abbey House GU9 8EP      Look out for our sign.
Don is the lead at the Hampshire Archaeological Dowsing Society.   We can probably all ask to be shown some hidden foundations, but what are we actually looking for and how should we mark and record what we find?  How does your Dowsing hold up against others?  
We have been here before on a great evening do a couple of years ago and quickly ran into the dusk.  So here is a chance to open up your skills and learn what to look for (and to try this out elsewhere); without rushing.    It’s going to be a fine day so don’t forget your hat!
Have a look for Waverley Abbey on Google and Google Earth and view the pictures.   I’ll endeavour to bring a toilet and tent since there is nothing open nearby.   This free site is open to the public and could be popular.  Bring a chair or a picnic rug, and a camera and see how to get the best shots; it should be a memorable day.
Geoff is the Chair at Waverley Dowsers, ring   07770 89 89 09 if you get lost!

The Hospital of St Cross and Almshouse of Noble Poverty is a medieval almshouse in Winchester, Hampshire, England, founded between 1132 and 1136. It is the oldest charitable institution in the United Kingdom.[1] The founder was Henry of Blois, Bishop of Winchester, grandson of William the Conqueror and younger brother to King Stephen of England.

It is also the largest medieval almshouse in Britain: it is built on the scale of an Oxford or Cambridge college, although it is older than any of the colleges at those universities. It has been described as “England’s oldest and most perfect almshouse.

The 12th-century and 13th-century church in the south-east corner is more like a miniature cathedral than a typical almshouse chapel. The building is stone-vaulted throughout, with transepts and a central tower.

Very interesting energies to dowse in the grounds. The Belinus line runs thru.

What Date – Sunday 11th    Dowsing at St Cross Hospital, Winchester.
Meet at hospital at 14.00   Entrance fee to hospital. Adults   £ 4.50, Students and senior citizens  £4.00

Thursday 22nd june  Workshop  Energy Viewing – How to see the aura.  With David Charman   10.00 – 15.00  Arundel  £25.oo    Max 10 people.

If you are interested in these two workshops, please contact Sandra McKensie of Sussex Dowsers (smcken@btopenworld.com)

Waverley Dowers members will also be teaching at the forthcoming Wizards workshop in S.Wales, if you are interested in Spiritual dowsing, then this may be for you, visit the workshop page below.

This is a very large subject to talk about, but this workshop promises to teach people how to make the equipment that will collect health giving plasma energies that you can then apply to any place on your body to receive the healing energy bath, the powder created can also be shared with your plants. the website links to a shop where you can buy these items ready made.

Plasma workshop on the 13th May in East Sussex, (starts 10.30 am) click the link below to contact and book your place, you can pay on the door!


Related knowledge to investigate would be Plasma ad how it works on the big scale in the electric universe.



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