Dowsing Events At Waverley Dowsers 2024

Friday 7.30pm Jan 12th 2024

Adrian Incledon-Webber, author of ‘Back to Basics and House Clearing will be providing one of his fantastic talks filled with experiences and tips on using dowsing for all our lives. Adrian says; “We will begin by looking at the basics of house healing, i.e. What causes people’s homes to become detrimental in the first place? Then, by asking a series of questions, we can start to build a picture of our own homes and its effects on us. It is also important to make sure that all members of the family are well too”. Adrian will be describing some of the techniques he uses to clear the family and their homes. There will also be a short healing session at the end of the evening. This is a practical talk so why not bring a floor plan of your house (A4 size; accuracy is not critical, but it helps!) and your dowsing rods and/ or pendulum and a notebook (can be provided if not). Bio: Adrian is one of the foremost House Healers in the world and his two books, Heal Your Home I and II, have been described as the “Bibles of Geopathic Stress”. Copies may be purchased.

See Adrians Website –

Friday 7.30 Feb 9th 2024

Andrew Edgar author of Consciousness of Trees along with the likes of Peter Wohlleben (author of The Hidden Life of Trees), and botanist Dr Suzanne Simard have argued that trees are capable of profound experiences of the world around them, and that they can communicate these experiences to other trees (through root systems, and the mycelia of fungi). Dowsers have long recognised that trees have auras, and indeed that these auras will expands as the dowser makes contact with the tree – an expression of the tree’s awareness that they are in contact with the dowser. In this talk I will explore, through my personal experience of dowsing with trees and in communion with spirit of place, how dowsing and science can give us an insight into the world of trees, and how we might come to understand and communicate with those trees. I will explain how we can trace the networks of communication that link trees, how we can find the protective mother tree within a group, and how patterns within the aura of a tree hint at the messages that the tree might have for us.  I began dowsing around 2005, attending courses supported by the British Society of Dowsers.  At that time I lived in Cardiff and, with my wife Grace, ran a Cardiff dowsing group affiliated to the BSD.  We have now moved to Lewes in East Sussex, and have set up a dowsing group through the Lewes branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A). Before my retirement in 2018, I had for some thirty years been a lecturer in Philosophy at Cardiff University. Google Andrew Edgar. Please check with Geoff, but we may be visiting some local tree sites during the afternoon of the 9th with Andrew and you are welcome to join us.

March 13th 2024

Please Note March 13th is a WEDNESDAY (and not the usual Friday): But still starting at 7:30pm at the normal venue Unitarian Hall

Richard Nissen will discuss Energy Lines in Gothic cathedrals.   He proposes that these ancient structures were intentionally located on sacred sites to foster a profound connection with the universe.   We will look at the extraordinary Cosmati Pavement in Westminster Abbey, the historic location, where the King was crowned, which holds a significant secret.  Positioned at the heart of the Abbey, it serves as the convergence point for two immensely potent energy lines.  Richard is a member of the Royal Institute of Navigation and a member of their animal navigation group (ANG). He attends their animal navigation conferences.   He is a dowser and a member of the British Society of Dowsers.

We will be taking Richard to see a couple of unusual local Churches (St.Nicolas, Compton and SS. Peter and Paul, Aubry Park) during the afternoon of this Wednesday and then move on to the Jack Phillips for a meal at18.00. If you would care to join us, then just let Geoff know; just in case things don’t go to plan.

April 12th 2024

Friday April 12

Our AGM to elect the management team. (Why not visit a Committee Meeting and get an inside view? It could be seen as a way to increase your depth of knowledge in dowsing by also discussing and having a go; proposing events and visits).

Afterwards: a talk by Dee McNamara she will also describe how she uses Tarot Cards with help from her spiritual guides. Dee will display a set of her Tarot cards. After that she will ask interested people to think of something “on their mind” and then take one of the Tarot cards of their choice. She will then do a reading for all those that have taken a card (if they so want). If anyone wants to take a reading further (more advanced) just get dee to check her diary!

May 10th 2024

Friday May 10th

Jackie Shellard will be talking on Spiritualism. Jackie says: “I don’t have an official profile or page as I have never felt the need. I am just me, a Wife, Mother, Nana, Auntie, Sister, Granddaughter, friend, carer. I have lived a life, like everyone else, that was filled with love and punctuated by sadness, trials and tribulations. All these things have taken me on a journey that led me to walk through the doors of a Spiritualist church 14 yrs ago. I wasn’t sure what to expect or why I was there, I have continued my journey, but now I recognise, realise and have started to understand all I have experienced, things that have happened …that I wasn’t mad but connected to spirit”.

W/e 4-5th May

BSD Spring Symposium at the Malvern Cube; Check the BSD website at; Andrew is hoping to attend.

June 14th 2024

Friday 14th June

June Outside practical evening visiting the Yew trees at Newlands Corner. 19.00 Details for joining will follow. The date for the yews may change because of Dfest; Devon Dowsers’ event on the w/e 15/16th (Andrew and Geoff are aiming to attend). *Suggested dates for Newlands are the 19th or 21st June instead. The July evening is outside too and could be the churches mentioned in “Richard Nissen” above.

Dowsing Training: at any level, We can hire the Unitarian Hall at a w/e or we could get over your way, at your convenience, or it could all be conducted outdoors if location and weather are permitting? Maybe at no cost as this depends on if expenses are being incurred? Please chat to, email or phone/ text Geoff (see below).

Learning about how dowsing can work for you is mostly a self-realisation process; through mainly, just studying and doing it! The training side offers prompts as to how one can “pick up that ball and run with it”. Why not read up on the subject by borrowing a book from our own library; start anywhere!

Waverley Dowsers 2023 (old events) below

May 12 th   Gillie Scarrott-Jones

“Stone and Crystal Skulls”.  She tells her story of how she became the Guardian of Crystal Skulls; how they find her and how they work through her to bring light codes down to Earth and create balance.   She will show some of her skulls and tell of the adventures she has had with these wonderful beings.

Warmer Weather; on the 2nd Friday of each month – Evenings:

June 9 th

We shall be visiting Guildford Cathedral (locating the Dragon lines that it was built
upon). We are meeting at 19.00 around the wooden cross at the Eastern end of the Cathedral,
but turn up at any time and find us. The carpark is on the North side. This is an external
investigation and if convenient we may be able to visit the interior too.  The views are good and
these may be important to what we are finding.

July 14 th

We are considering re-visiting the Hascombe Stone Circle  Location maps will be
supplied.      To date to be confirmed. please contact Geoff for further information or become a full member of Waverley Dowsers to be updated by email.

August is kept clear for holidays, but we can arrange distant visits to sites at a weekend
day if requested.

September 8 th

Adrian Incledon-Webber; “Back to Basics”; The background to House
Healing plus practical work with attendees.  To be confirmed.

October 13 th

Paul Syrett;  Crop Circles.  Confirmed; with details to follow.

November 10 th

Don Bryan; talk on the Hill Forts of Wessex.   To be confirmed.

December 8 th

Our Christmas meeting; Mince Pies, Shows and Short Chats and a chance
to Chinwag.

Dowsing Training, at any level, can be arranged on request.
Let Geoff or Andrew know what you need for your skills updates.

Please let us know if there is anywhere you would like to visit or you can recommend someone to approach as a Friday speaker as we always welcome suggestions for future meetings.

We will be pegging a date for our annual local Picnic… when it warms up!

General information to contact us for dates orif you wish to sign up formembership you are always welcome to bring a friend along who is interested in this ancient artform of discovery and health working
General Information about Waverley Dowsers (BSD affiliated): We meets every second Friday at the Unitarian Hall in Godalming,

Surrey GU7 3JB opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100 (just turn up?)   We open at 19.00 and hope to start by 19.30 with a break at 20.30 and we end by 21.30; thrown out at 22.00 (free refreshments, tea, buscuits).  . Most evenings we obtain guest speakers on Dowsing and related subjects.  When warmer weather in June and July we get out and visit local sites of interest.  We also have a picnic day at a local site of interest.  We travel to special sites further afield as requested.

Membership is £15pa and if we are incurring expenses such as an indoor meeting we will charge £5 for members and £8 for non-members. We are not dogmatic in our beliefs and embrace all views as there is nothing that this wonderful Universe can’t offer us all, Skills are exchanged and training courses are held as needed.  We run a free book borrowing library, supply free “tools” and a Committee approves and runs all of the events.  We also latch onto various Zoom meetings, run by other such Groups, from around the Country.

For details please contact:
Geoff Mitchell  Chair/ Sec.  07770 89 89 09

2022 agenda below

Friday September 9th:  Unitarian Hall; Our Mike is chatting on his major interest on Bovis Units as a means of getting a handle on how important something is in the scheme of things.   Mike has studied this over the years and feels it to be a very useful technique for supporting what one finds in dowsing.

Friday October 14th: Unitarian Hall; we have a guest speaker Anna Knowles talking about Biofield Tuning. See  and/ or

Friday November 11th; Unitarian Hall; we need to confirm this one, but otherwise I shall be giving a talk on what it is to be a Wizard; which is very relevant to being a dowser.

Friday December 9th; Unitarian Hall; Our Christmas chat and share evening with added mince pies!  Please say if you would like to give a short chat on your own experiences or favourite subject?

November 12th 2021:  Radionics – with John F Donaldson providing a talk on Radionics

October 8th  2021: We are pleased to have Dr Gerry Brierly visit us and talk about the magnificent health giving properties of Bees.


Prior to the Covid lockdowns – 2019 & 2020

Sept. 7th .Sat. “BSD AGM & Conference”; Worcester. Geoff is Attending and is happy to car share if any wishes to join him.

Sept.13th. Fri. John Baker “An Experienced Practical Dowser recalls” John will talk about his experiences as a proffesional dowser over the years, the great thing about dowsing is, that you only need the idea, and then you should be able to emulate.

Oct. 5th.Sat. “Dowsing Training day”; two courses, one in the morning starting at 10.00am and one in the afternoon starting at 2pm –  An introduction to and basic dowsing training in the morning, ideal for you to introduce family and friends to an interesting pastime –  the afternoon dowsing session will build on the morning session and introduce dowsers to concepts and practical dowsing that will take most dowsers out of the comfort zones. (prices are £10 per session or £15 for the whole day)

Oct.11th.Fri. David Charman “Energy Viewing”, practical tips and interactive exercises with demonstrations on how to see human energy fields and interpret them.

Nov.8th. Fri. Ken Collinson “Connecting with Love Within and Without”, using two unique meditation’s that will connect you to the love within your heart with a beautiful Bhuddists meta meditation which will open up your heart to the frequencys of love and aid in cleaning away any hurt that resides within, this will be followed after a short discussion and break with the wonderful Yogic style meditation that will connect your heart energies to the love of heaven and Earth while providing the opportunity to share that love to people or to Gaia in a transformational act of giving.

Dec.13th.Fri. “Christmas Fun” Lots of chat, mince pies and the odd short presentation.

Jan.10th.Fri. Chris Jacob “Homeopathy” Benefits in Health and Wellbeing.

Jan.(16th). Christmas Meal at a Local Hostalry.

Feb.14th.Fri. (Elizabeth Brown “Special Dowsing”. To be confirmed).

Mar.13th.Fri. Peter Knight – Peter has a new book Albion Dreamtime just published on the Spiritual mysteries and landscapes of Britain a labour of love this is a fascinating book on the spiritual landscapes and interactions of humans in the use of that landscape over millennium.

Apr.3rd.Fri. AGM and shorter lecture.

May.8th.Fri. Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare “Branches to the Belinius Line”.

June & July.Fri. We try and get out and about, locally, in the warmer weather.

July.(19th.) Sun. “Members’ Picnic Lunch”

July.26th.Sun. Rustic Sunday, Milford.

Plus whatever turns up!  So please do your own investigations and let us know if they would be suitable for a WD visit.

Our programme has included:-

  • Basic and advanced training
  • Chakras in humans and animals
  • Dowsing to aid a local historians’ researches
  • Visits to Dowsing Sites, local and far.
  • Energy lines which run the length and breadth of the UK
  • Water dowsing
  • Sharing our Experiences
  • Crystal communication & Guest Speakers

Our Members give talks on the many aspects of Dowsing to all manner of groups and we run research projects.

In a nutshell we learn about environmental issues locally, globally and historically

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