Sunday 9 April 2pm: The Rose and the Sacred Geometry of Love with Sandy Humby

What is it that draws people to the Rose? She has woven her way through our Art, Architecture and Literature in imagery and symbolism but what is her message?
Somehow the Rose touches the Heart with her beauty and intoxicating scent… but the power is deeper than that and in this presentation Sandy will share some of her journey connecting with and exploring this Mysterious essence held within the golden Heart of the Rose and the connection to the Golden Ratio, the Sacred Geometry of Love.
Sandy Humby is an Energy Alchemist with a lifetime’s immersion in various paths for healing and empowerment. She has studied practical Philosophy, Meditation, Colour Healing and various energy therapy modalities including Reiki and Sekhem, and Pranic Healing.     She is a thought leader in the field of Vibrational Medicine and is the author and creator of Rose Alchemy: Rose Oracle for the Heart and the Rose Alchemy Holistic Healing program. She shares her inspirational work through seminars, and retreats in the UK, Europe and USA.

Sandy will show us though dowsing what happens to the energy fields and chakras on the body as our hearts connect with this powerful geometry… and how the Rose can be a powerful ally in supporting our vitality and LOVE for life and our clarity in dowsing.

And you will have the opportunity to buy her wonderful Rose Power Mats.
To awaken your intuition and awareness you can buy the : Rose Oracle Alchemy Deck.
45 Beautiful Rose Alchemy Oracle Cards
120 page full colour Guidebook

Meetings start at 2pm  Doors open 1.40pm.

Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,
St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG

£6 non-members, £4 members .

Sussex Dowsers have a great course running on Sunday 12 March 2017

Dowsing for Healing Remedies with Anna Guerrier

 In this workshop Anna will demonstrate how an ancient system of Radiesthesia can be used discover imbalances in our auras and what these relate to in terms of our health. We will go on to work out the specific remedies best suited to each person’s energetic vibration to redress the imbalances. It works in linking our auric vibration to named symptoms and appropriate remedies .
This workshop will enable everyone to experience how the pendulum discovers imbalances, what these represent and how to go about choosing suitable remedies. . The choice of remedies encompasses whatever you choose to use, from flower remedies, colour or musical notes through to Homeopathic potencies.

Bring your pendulum.

Meetings start at 2pm  Doors open 1.40pm.

Indoor Meetings are held at The Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way,
St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7LG

Recently Michael Haxeltine from Waverley Dowsers gave far ranging talk to the Woman’s Institute at Sandhurst on many aspects of dowsing.  Most of the audience had heard of water dowsing but not using dowsing with checking ones food for chemicals or the searching for the best place to site a compost bin in the garden.

The audience participated in a short experiment about how thought could be transmitted, Michael then linked this to the concept of distant energy healing.

A member of the audience showed how quickly the skill’s of dowsing could be learnt. She used a dowsing rod to find six injuries on Michaels right side, much to everyone’s amazement.

The audience were now starting to see how diverse the applications for dowsing was.


Michael then did another experiment to show how you could dowse through water, plastic and lead.

This was followed by demonstrating that pyramid shaped objects had their own energy form which is why they were sold in the 60’s for resting or sleeping under, many of the audience recall that pyramids were sold for that purpose in the 1960’s and 70’s.

Michael then showed  several other experiments which included how seeds would germinate better if a pyramid was stood over a seed tray, or the seeds placed inside a pyramid.

Many found it hard to believe that with just a bent wire coat hanger people could dowse and that dowsing rod and be so versatile in everyday life.

Michael then spent a few minutes talking about the history of dowsing and spent a few minutes talking about the three dowsing books which he had written.

He explained that the pendulum which he was using was copied from one found in an Egyptian tomb dating around 4000 BC.

He set everyone the task of finding something with the aid of a dowsing rod. A number of objects had been hidden in the hall and all were found by the audience of the WI.

Towards the end of his talk he showed the audience a  model of a cell with spirals (representing energy) to show that everything gives of and takes in spirals of energy, ie: dipoles. Dowers pick up this subtle energy.

To have Michael talk at your club about dowsing, please contact him with the details below.

Michael Haxeltine 33 Reading Rd GU`4 6NH

Farnborough GU14 6NH 01252 541 639

Michael belongs to Waverley Dowsers    – whose members come from afar from as Camberley Sandhurst, Lightwater, Yately, Farnborough, Guildford as well as the Godalming area

Well Friday 13th can be mostly lucky too, as it was for the people listening to Andy Thomas at his evening lecture on Crop Circles at the Unitarian Hall in Godalming.   Andy is an enthusiast dedicated to the mysteries and the unexplained events of our Planet.     And the Crop Circle phenomenon is certainly in that category.

He showed the rise of these events starting with a crudely documented similarity as far back as the 16th Century, through to the more apparent “simple” starting in the 1930s.     They increase in number and complexity and continue to this day.    Lucky us; the most prolific Country is ours, but they happen all over the World and appear to be especially attracted  to the chalk-land interfaces of the landscape (especially in the UK where we get the effects of aquifers).

Many examples were projected and from their beauty, complexity and quality I had no qualms in agreeing with Andy that there are unknown forces at work here, i.e. they are not “all” man-made in the sense that a team waded in with logs and ropes.  In fact the ones that were known to be man-made only showed up the fact that the others were unlikely to have been man-made; as we know it!

Explanations were banded about, but it is pretty apparent that we just “don’t know”.   As a dowser I felt that I should at least “ask” since, with permissions, I’m privileged to be able to do so.   So all I’m allowed to find is that it is a water-related energy and it is not extra-terrestrial in origin and only a handful of people know the truth.   Fine by me; it’s not something that is on my “path”, but I am allowed to take an interest.

I think the most wonderful clip that was projected on the formation of circles was where a video photographer was lucky enough to get a short clip of a circle set being formed.  A couple of lights circled the area and one could see the crops being flattened by an invisible foot print in seconds.  I “asked” if this was a true representation of facts and got a YES.   Once I got home, further “questions” led to the lights being the propulsion glow of an invisible craft and that they were in the same league as the “Foo Fighters” seen by pilots.

Finally one can’t avoid the conclusion that now they have “our” attention they are being used to send us messages.  They appear to be “written” in open fields where the crops will show up the message to best effect; not across fence boundaries.   And they are too big to lose or ignore, but just like an “etch-a-sketch” the crops can be erased and replaced.

The wonderful thing about humans is that they have a built-in degree of scepticism and resistance to repetition.   Witness the fact that despite the continued existence and quality of these Circle appearances the “Press” have now gone cold on them.

I must catch the next one; now where did I leave my bob?

Love and light,   Geoff Mitchell      Chair Waverley Dowsers


For personal research on Crop circles follow these links below:

Andy Thomas will be coming to Waverely dowsers on the friday the 13th Jan 2017 at the Unitarian hall, Godalming to provide a talk on his many years of investigations into Crop Circles.

Andy who runs a website called the Truth Agenda where he talks about his many years of investigating the truth behind some of todays mysteries.

The talk will be held at Waverley dowsers normal venue the Unitarian Hall and will be held on friday the 13th at 7.30pm. The Unitarian hall is opposite the Texeco garage on the A3100 main road into Godalming when you come from the Guildford side.

This link will take you to our contact page plus an interactive map to help you find us, you can also use the contact form to ask any questions as well as Join Waverley dowsers.

Full address of the venue is Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3JB, please join us at 7.00 pm for a start at 7.30pm.   Entry for members is £5, with guests paying £8, you can join as a member on the night and get a reduced entry fee, we also provide free tea/coffee and biscuits during the middle of the evening which can last between 9.30 and 10pm.

Adrian Incledon-Webber following his talk at Waverley dowsers is pleased to announce that he will be providing courses (workshops) on how to Heal Your Home.
The courses will be running at Compton village hall in Surrey on the following dates.
Heal Your Home I: 25/26 February 2017
Heal Your Home II: 29/30 April 2017
Below you can download and print the application forms for Adrian’s two courses, this is an opportunity to learn directly from one of Britain’s renowned home healers, Adrian will also be signing his book on the course.

Compton village hall website

(application form for the weekend course 25/26 February 2017)

healing-your-home-ii-compton(application form for the weekend course 29/30 April 2017)

Adrian Incledon-Webber

Spirit Worker, Dowsing Tutor and Geopathic Stress Healing

Telephone: 01423 781974

Signed copies of my book ‘Heal Your Home’ book are available from my website or via Amazon (unsigned)

It is a comprehensive guide to the problems we all face in our homes and workplaces. It includes case studies and how to go about the healing process yourself

To receive a regular newsletter log on to my website and add your email address. Courses dates will be announced also.

Adrian Incledon-Webber will be providing a talk for Waverley dowsers about Geopathic Stress on the 11th November 7.30,pm until 9.30pm, so please place this in your diary, the venue will be the Broadwater Community centre at Farncombe: (Off Summers Road Farncombe Surrey GU7 3BH) Entry for members is £5, with guests paying £8, you can join Waverley dowsers on the night (£15 per annum) and get a reduced entry fee for the talk.

Website for the Community hall


How happy is your house?

Do you feel better when you are away from home?

How well do you sleep at night?

There is an unseen world out there that can have a profound effect on us, both mentally and physically.

Collectively these detrimental energies are called Geopathic Stress e.g. noxious energy patterns from earth energy lines, inherited human emotions, water veins, ley lines, spirits etc.

The leaching of your body’s energies can be a subtle process manifesting itself as many day to day ailments leading to more serious problems as time goes by.

In his talk Adrian will describe some of these energies, how they affect us and what we can do about turning our home into our castle or sanctuary.

Adrian Incledon-Webber is a full time dowser and geopathic stress practitioner, his book entitled ‘Heal Your Home’ was successfully published in late 2013 and has already been described as the bible of geopathic stress.

He lives in North Yorkshire and is a past Vice President of the British Society of Dowsers, past chair of the Earth Energies Group and the Health and Wellbeing Group.

As usual you can contact members of Waverley dowsers for further information on our talks.

Dowsing evening with Mike Haxeltine
Recently Michael Haxeltine gave an interactive talk to a group of holistic therapists in Farnborough, Hamshire. The theme was on the chakras system and how it evolved and will it evolve further. The system could be likened to a railway system and it has seven stations. The rail is the energy which passes through the body via the chakra energy centres.
The stations are linked to the main organs and the endocrine system and have different needs for the passengers, i.e the communicating chemicals. Stations need to be in balance for the whole system to work properly.
Chakras can be felt, seen, or sensed and some form of dowsing can lessen or increase station activity.
To set the stage for continuing the interactive talk the audience were split into groups and they had to locate the main organs and the location of the Chakra station.
The groups had the opportunity dowse for or sense the stations. Then when they were sure of the location they pinned cardboard organ and chakra stations on Michael who was wearing a white overall.
Leaving out meridians and auras everyone could see the relationship of various parts of the body.
The groups discussed how to sense energies and this part of the talk linked with the Hand Outs folder .
Michael showed the audience how to check polarity of their dowsing then they were taken through dowsing a paper outline of a full length body to undertake an imaginary balancing.
The process went through starting with psychic protection to balancing chakras. Three permissions were sought, in this case to deal with an under active throat chakras. Once that had been done he showed the audience how to check that energy had gone from the dowsers to the [paper] patient. It was noticed that the pendulum swung more in one direction than another indicating that the pendulum in the search mode overcame the basic law of physics relating to the equidistant swing of a pendulum.
Then a real volunteer was dowsed to rebalance the chakras; starting with the protocols. No client history was discussed.
Michael also introduced a method of assessing the effectiveness of ones mission; before and after a rebalancing session.
The discussion turned to the likelihood of the more chakras being found . One member of the audience said that he now recognised 12 chakra “stations” and others recognised 17.
The audience were shown how a photo could be dowsed for chakra rebalancing and how a model of plastic dinosaur showed reactions to dowsing at seven points. The census was that the audience could well have picked up chakra points in this prehistoric beast.
The audience parted amazed at the ground which they had covered in one and half hours.


One of the audience provided a write up on Michael’s workshop (above:

We hope you are well and enjoying (or recovering from) the large shifts of the last few weeks J


Karen and I (Adam Buttery) attended Jhadten Jewall’s workshop at RHS Wisley the other weekend and what an amazing time. A good blend of channelled work. a lovely setting and an easy pace helped us make some serious shifts and be able to integrate much of the work over the weekend.. Big thanks to Claire Williams who organised Jhadten’s stay here and helped us get on the course – very much appreciated!  Check out Jhadten Jewall on the web or contact Claire Williams via her email (CC’d above) or on 01483-813641 for info on his (and other!) future dates..


The last EnergyWorks meeting had Michael Haxeltine guide us through dowsing and the many ways it can be used in the healing environment. See attached write-up that Mike provided to Waverley Dowsers if you would like a recap or you missed it. Many thanks to Mike for an interesting evening, contact Mike by phone 01252-541639 or email CC’d above, or Geoff Mitchell (01276 472977) or visit their website ( for more details of what they do, meetings etc.


It was also our 4th birthday so cakes were in abundance! It is amazing that the group doesn’t just stay strong, it gets better every month and that is because you all bring something special to it. We have such a powerful collection of people in one place that we could run half of Farnborough off the energy created in one evening J


If you are interested in being on a directory of the therapists’ in our group, please let me know your details and a few lines about what you offer and I will include you. This is for group members to access via the EnergyWorks Dropbox page, ie, only to members of this group. Your details will not be circulated to anyone else.


If you want access to the Dropbox page just let me know.


If you have a service you would like to promote to the group via these emails, email me details and I’ll try to remember to include It here. No guarantees I’ll remember them al, but feel free to ask J



The next meeting is on 8th November and sees the return of Heather Golding, promising us an evening of colour, soul songs, visual medicine and flute. Definitely one of the more mind-expanding sessions of the year and not to be missed! Heather has a wide range of talents so our two hours will pass very quickly J


We will finish the evening with a group healing, so make a note of any cause(s), groups or individuals you would like to include and put them forward on the night.


Cost: five pounds donation to cover tea, biscuits and paying our guest speakers some travelling money.
Venue: 42 Alexandra Rd, Farnborough GU14 6DA

Time: please arrive at 18.45 for a 19.00 start. Finish is generally around 21.00.


Guests are always welcome!


Love and light,

Ka-hu (Adam Buttery)      Ka-lei (Karen Canfield)

Mob: 07906 757452           Mob: 07979 380601

Waverley dowsers has been busy recently with several talks and workshops which we haven’t published, below are write-ups provided by Michael Haxeltine on his experiences.

The first write up provided by Michael was on the map dowsing talk and demonstration by Waverley dowsers chairman Geoff Mitchell who worked up to the dowsing for Dragon energy lines using map dowsing.


21st 0ctober 2016 will go down as one of the most memorable and educating evenings in respect of the art and science of dowsing that has been heard at a Waverley Dowsers Meeting monthly meeting.

Firstly we managed to have a meeting in October in spite of the original speaker in the previous week was not able to attend that maintaining the Committees objective for a meeting each month.

Secondly the meeting on the 21st was enabled by Ken Collinson in establishing an operable WiFi link for Geoff to use in his talk.

Thirdly for the talk given by Geoff Mitchell  aided by a lap top computer connection. So what was special about the talk? The talk was on map dowsing  and away from the site dowsing i.e level lll. (level lll = remote dowsing)

He clearly demonstrated that information can be extracted from a picture or photograph as Colonel  Bell proved in the 30’s. He showed how information can be extracted from Google Earth with or with out “drawing tools.

Various locations were taken from Google Earth  by laptop and screened and co –ordinates were figuratively  drawn. This meant that a dowsing team could work in their own homes using the same plan/map sketch on the same surveying problem .

Geoff took us through the application of a drawing programme which enabled  the plethora energy lines  both surface and under surface to be plotted. This would enable  users to return in the future to see what changes if any had occurred   in the interval between survey and resurvey.

Map dowsing enables pre site work to be plotted and then confirmed on site  especially to thwart inclement weather.

Land owners could add information which could make the nuse of Map dowsing from Google earth even more useful for many reasons including planning a field day in any location.

A follow up is needed. Thank you Geoff and Ken for a most informative evening demonstrating the scope of map dowsing


Further dragon energy line investigations were done in the summer of 2016 by Waverely dowsers, here is an earlier report

Waverely dowsers in Godalming Surrey will be providing a class dedicated to map dowsing, we will be demonstrating and providing a workshop for the audience to learn and practise how to map dowse from a paper map as well as from a computer screen. Using Google Earth or Google maps to find your target is a fantastic skill to have.

Think about all those castles, stone circles and ancient battle fields that you can dowse from the comfort of your sitting room. Bring a friend! we will also provide some pendulums for those who haven’t got their own and we will have some beautiful ones for sale.

The Venue is our normal meeting place at the Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey,  GU7 3JB  (Google us!) starting at 7.30 pm with the doors open at 7pm on friday the 21st October.

As we will be having our quarterly committee meeting on the same night, this is a FREE evening for all comers, there is no need to book your place. We will also be able to talk shop and provide advice for all forms of dowsing.

Waverley Dowsers will be providing training workshop’s to introduce attendees to both rod and pendulum dowsing on the 1st of October at the Unitarian Hall – (opposite the Esso Garage) Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3JB.

There will be an afternoon and a morning course, details follows.

Please attend the morning session at 9.30 am for registration for a 10.00 o’clock (10am) start and finishing the morning session at 12.30. The morning dowsing course will teach and expand your skill with the dowsing rod.

The afternoon pendulum dowsing course will be open at 1.30 pm for registration and starting at 2 pm, the course will finish at 4 pm.

Ken will be leading the afternoon session of dowsing with a pendulum but the course will cover different areas of dowsing than the morning session and will be more suitable for personal dowsing using a pendulum as well as expanding your dowsing awareness. Both dowsing courses will complement each other, stretching and teaching a wide range of skills and imparting a wider range of knowledge that dowsers of all levels will appreciate.

Michael who will be leading the morning course with dowsing rods is a trained and accredited dowser with many years experience as well as being an author of three dowsing books. Ken has been a dowser for fifty years and was taught by his grandmother who was a professional medium and dowser, he will be sharing his many years of knowledge and skills during the afternoon session.

The cost for the individual courses will be £15.00 each or only £25.00 for both sessions (morning and afternoon sessions) refreshments with hot and cold drinks with biscuits will be provided as part of the course fee’s.

Feel free to bring a friend or relative, all dowsing tools will be provided for free during the course sessions and there will be some dowsing tools on sale as well as some of Michaels books. All questions will be welcome so please come prepared with your questions.

Contact Michael Haxeltine on 01252 541 639 or  Geoff Mitchell the Chairman on 01276 472 977 if you have any questions about these course’s or email Ken Collinson.

On friday 16th 7.30 Maria Wheatley will be giving a talk about her latest book about the elongated skulls of StoneHenge. A fascinating and intriguing story of investigation and discovery about our ancient forebears and the culture that seems likely to have been in charge of the building of the Megalithic structures of Britain.

The Talk will be held at the Broadwater Park Community Centre,  Farncombe Surrey, GU7 3BH ( Off Summers Road) at 7.30 pm.
Doors will be open at 7pm for early birds, there is an entrance fee of £5 for members and £8 for guests.

The Website for the community centre:

Questions that you may consider:

Were these long skulls the descendants of Atlantis ?
Were they a Royal ‘class’ or ancestors of British Royalty ?Is there any anatomical connection to people around us ?
Has anyone done any DNA studies on those remains ?

Come along and listen to Maria talk about her years long study and investigations of this forgotten British history. Maria Wheatly is a second generation dowser and has provides dowsing talks and workshops as well as events and tours such as access to Stonehenge itself.

To visit Maria’s website and see her itinerary of events, please follow the link below.

International Association of Health Dowsers
Association of Energy Therapists


Runnymede-on-Thames Hotel
Windsor Road, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0AG

Saturday 22nd October 2016
10.15am – 5pm (registration from 9.45am)

This event is offered for an unbeatable price of
£70 for AET, IAHD & BCMA members and £80 for non-members.
This exceptional offering is made possible by the organisers subsidising the event.

For further information, or to reserve a place,
please contact Keith Harmon 020 8751 0417 e-mail:

Your speakers

Linda Monjack – How to manage anxiety and stress to lead a more peaceful and productive life
Have you ever become so stressed that you cannot think straight? Found yourself looking for your keys and realising they are in your hands? Never breathing properly? Feeling anxiety taking you over? Worried about how other people view you? – There is a solution – understanding your triggers and creating calm and peace in your life is the way to move forward in this busy world or ours. We are expected to outperform in the workplace, and computer electrics in the home are all causing electromagnetic waves which doubles and trebles stress. How to lessen these stresses and the mental stress will create a healthier and more balance lifestyle. Anxiety is not a natural state but has become part of our lives – say no to stress and start living your life to the full!

Cherry Collins – Qi Gong for Health
Qigong (Chi Kung) is the ancient Art of Energy Work via exercise, which has been keeping the Chinese nation healthy for millennia. Hampshire based Instructor, Cherry Collins, who has trained in China over several years, will give delegates a brief introduction to the different types of Qigong. Then will invite everyone to get up on their feet to join Cherry in one of the most widely practiced Health Qigong Sets, the Ba Duan Jin. This set utilises bending stretching and twisting movements, performed on the breath, to regulate the flow of energy within the acupuncture channels, to promote excellent health. The session will end with a short question and answer session if time permits. This is a full- participation workshop, suitable for all. Come and enjoy!

Cherry Tyfield – Life Alignment
Life Alignment is a powerful vibrational healing method that identifies and locates energy blockages in the body often caused by past trauma, suppressed emotions, pollutants, lifestyle stresses or physical injury that become encoded into our cellular memory. Pain can be relieved and our structure re-aligned often in a few minutes, even sometimes instantly, and can be applied to all issues be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual with benefit to all.

Kay Kraty – Gong Therapy
Kay will be giving a short introductory talk on the nature and use of the gong in sound therapy, followed by a demonstration of each gong present. She will then activate their combined voices so that the audience can experience and enjoy a short Gong Bath.
Kay is a qualified voice coach, esoteric numerologist, colour therapist, crystal healer, and Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher

To book your place at this fantastic day of healing workshops, please contact Keith Harmon 020 8751 0417
Or e-mail:


Waverley Dowsers will be runing a workshop to introduce attendees to both rod and pendulum dowsing on the 1st of October at the Unitarian Hall – (opposite the Esso Garage) Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3JB
0930 for registration for a 1000 hrs (10am) start – 1230 hrs  for using your skills with rod dowsing
1330 for registration for 1400 hrs (2pm) start to 1600 hrs  for pendulum dowsing
Cost for the separate sessions will be £15.00 or £25.00 for both sessions [ please let Ken know ]
Michael Haxeltine hopes to have a joining pack ready for emailing shortly
The workshop will briefly cover the history of dowsing, demonstration of making your one rod and pendulum, how the mind controls dowsing, finding objects in the  hall, sensing a persons aura, feeling the aura, using just hands, dowsing counting with the pendulum, telling the time, finding compass directions .
If you have heard something about dowsing and you want it explained contact michael direct 01252 541 639
Please contact  Geoff Mitchell the Chairman 01276 472 977 who will tell where to send your cheque to reserve your place on the Workshop
Some previous dowsing students might want to do a revision of these skills. If you decide to come bring a friend

This will be the second Sun and Moon festival to be held at the Plumpton site which is a beautiful valley nestled amongst the chalk hills just outside Brighton. The site has it’s own wonderful little church nearly a thousand years old with Dragon energies flowing through the valley floor. It has a neolithic stone circle (sadly now dismantled) but with some of the stones still on the site. There are Yin water lines (holy water springs) flowing through the site with their distinctive ‘rams horn’ patterns so beloved by our ancient Celtic ancestors and used in their magical artwork and sacred signs. All this and more will be used in Ken’s Dowsing class’s during this lovely mind body and spirit festival, come and connect to Gaia and learn how to dowse these remarkable sacred energies.

To visit the Sun and Moon festival website, click the link below.

Earth Energy Dowsing at Thornborough Henges and Devils Arrows, North Yorkshire

If you’re not jetting off into the sun over the holidays, don’t miss a great opportunity to dowse the famous Thornborough Henges and the Devils Arrows in North Yorkshire on Saturday 6th August and Sunday 7th August 2016.

For those of you who wish to travel the day before it all starts on Friday evening with a meal in the local pub (if you would like to reserve a place please let the British Dowsers office know, though menu selection and payment will be on the night).

In times gone by, (Middle Neolithic, 5,300 years ago) the area was a complex of long narrow cursus and henges of various sizes. The Middle Bronze Age saw the arrival of Round and Long Barrows. Then progress took over and many of the landmarks were built on.

Don’t miss the exciting opportunity to emmerse youself in earth energy dowsing for the weekend!

Purchase your weekend, Saturday or Sunday day passes, book now to get the early bird discount!

This is a great opportunity to improve your dowsing and meet like minded individuals

What will you learn?

Day One, Saturday 6th August:
Join us for Earth Energy dowsing at the famous Thornborough Henges. The complex is made up of three large Henges with interconnecting processional ways.

We will be starting at the ‘Wooded Henge’ dowsing for; two dragon energy lines, intersecting lines of energy in the centre of the Henge, dowse the Pictograms, and more.

Dowsing the ‘Central and Southern Henges for energy remnants of stone circles, the use of the Cursus in times gone by, was the Henge built over the earlier cursus? Locate the two dragon energy lines, the Devil’s Arrows Energy Ley which passes through the central Henge.


Day Two, Sunday 7th August 2016:
Day two will be dowsing The Devils Arrows monoliths near the centre of Boroughbridge. The road side stone is the second tallest in the country.

Dowse the Radials and Spirals of these stones, pick up on the Energy Ley that goes to Thornborough Henges.

There is talk of a fourth and fifth stone, where were they placed? What about dowsing for the stone circle that was reputed to be here?

Where and When?

We will be meeting on Saturday 6th August at West Tanfield Memorial Hall, Long Row, West Tanfield. HG4 5JX. Meet around 9 to 9.30am for a welcome and an introduction to the weekend.

We will be meeting on Sunday 7th August at the The Devils Arrows around 9.30 to 10am for a welcome and an introduction to the location. Meet on the tarmac path opposite the stones.

There is a local pub near the Thornborough Henges, Freemasons Arms, Nosterfield, DL8 2QP, they serve hot food and sandwiches. Alternatively, bring your own Picnic.

How to book

With rates starting from a little as £35* this is a great opportunity to enhance your skills and meet like-minded people.

Don’t miss out, book today! If you book now you qualify for the early bird price!

*Member price. Please note this a NON-RESIDENTIAL weekend if you wish to attend for the two days.

Another fabulous day trip for Waverley dowsers and this time we really went to a site that had everything for everyone. But it is really what the people want is what counts. So this time we had six people come together to investigate the ancient site of Old Sarum, once a proto town with it’s own cathedral, a Norman castle, a Roman fort and going backwards an iron age fort and Neolithic Henge. But always a very important site used throughout British history, today it is a popular tourist attraction with it’s own English Heritage shop.

It was quickly obvious that the dowsers who had come had their own skills and interests which they wanted to explore and by the end of the day we had explored, the Earth energies (Dragon Lines) Spiritual energy (Goddess energy’s), Metaphysical energy’s (an old spell still in existence) as well as interacting with the strangeness of the living energy’s of the Trees and the site in general. Not much attention was paid to the archaeology of the medieval town although Ken, Geoff and Stephen had a quick dowse to identify that it was there and to date it, before moving on to newer and original ‘stuff’ while Alan was drawn to some particular energies and was the one who found the energy barrier. Angela was drawn to the Trees and was pleased at discovering the strange energy manifestation of the Tree’s, Geoff was in contact with the spirit of an ancient Shaman, Stephen found the portal that was providing Goddess energies while Sue loved the Dragon energies especially the female dragon which was beneficial for Safie her dog who had recently lost a leg.

Stephen was able to impart an interesting piece of knowledge about Old Sarum, that is was once a ‘rotton borough’ to understand this, please follow this link Here.

So a successful day all round with a bit of adventure thrown in, everyone learned something new and all loved the Dragon energy lines (Earth Energies) with Stephen and Angela finding where the two Dragons touched and rolled around each other in a dance of joy.

Geoff provides a great write up on our day out below, there are numbers in the description which relate to the numbered spokes on the picture.

Waverley Dowsers’ Visit to Old Sarum on Saturday 9th July 2016

What a nice relaxing, bright summer’s day last Saturday was.   A bit blowy, but it never stops blowing on the top of this Henge!   We all met at 11.00 in the free carpark on the site and decided to do our scouting about by going around clockwise.

The principle was to just do some dowsing for whatever we find.  Ken and I have been here before, but I believe Stephen, Alan, Sue and Angela had not.  So if you take the main entrance to be the 6 o’clock position we moved around to 7 o’clock


Between 7 and 8 are two close-together small stone circles which have long since been robbed.  Ken and I located these on a previous visit and found that the older of these had been dismantled and reused in the newer.

8 & 9 o’clock had 3 features; in that close to the inner ditch there was a grave area in which 19 female bodies had been buried in Roman times (3 were children).  I flagged the outline and we speculated on their fate and left it there.   Towards the outer bank there is a gully and in the 9 o’clock area we found foundations, a midden; still topped with stinging nettles, and a massive and beautiful beech tree, under which your dowsing polarity was reversed.

At this point a dog walking man inquired as to what we were doing and so I gave him the full “Mike” (As Mike H. is fond to do).  I’m pleased to say that he took this all in his stride.  The general principle here is that if you are asked tell it to your best ability; at which point from a reciprocal question I found out that he was up from Guildford and was familiar with the Waverley area.

In the 10 to 11 position you will come across an impressive dragon line (Belinius) which sails off to pass through Salisbury Cathedral.  I dowsed for the lanes and flagged them out.   We noted that the inner bank was covered in yew trees which were helping to support this energy beam.

From there we moved around to the original Cathedral foundations.   A dragon line also passes right in front of the S. entrance doorway, which I also flagged (between 12 and 1 o’clock).  The Cathedral and cloisters are between 1 and 2, where we followed some of the many energy lines snaking all over.  I flagged out the positions of the original and the later alter tables, steps and rails (the Cathedral was later extended).  An excellent location for lunch!

Between 2 and 3 we located the monks’ well, the Bishop’s palace and the direction to the brew house.  At 3 o’clock there is a row of trees on a bank.  We found a really friendly sycamore which was remarked upon for sending out warmth, nearer to the outer bank.  Stephen was excited to see the wind ripples in the corn fields nearby, especially because he works in explaining turbulence in aerodynamic conditions.   Ken showed us another effect in that in the walkway in line with these trees you get a dowsing polarity reversal again, but bang central an intentional spirit barrier had created a 4ft. wide channel that also returned our polarities back to normal.

From here Angela and Stephen went off to explore the central hill which came under English Heritage charges.  Sue and Alan returned home and so Ken and I explored the previously unexplored section between 4 and 5 o’clock.   As we approached the outer bank we noticed that there were 3 crows waiting there, which gave us a caw to make sure we had noticed them.  A quick check showed that they were for us, which meant there was something magical there.  Up the bank and over the style and I get to stand in place of the crows and ask the questions; whilst Ken sits down with a smile; “Ask away; what are they showing us?”

Lastly we moved to the site shop (it’s always polite to exit via the shop at all “theme parks”!)    A hot drink and an ice cream to finish off; not forgetting the free wine tasting tots.  Angela and Stephen returned from the central exploration and were quite full of the two dragon lines kissing each other in the centre area.   Shakes and hugs and we all returned home.

Nothing to smack you in the face, but a super day for powering up your dowsing muscles.   There is no doubt I have learnt much, but that is the wonderful thing about this sort of day out, it was all so painless.  If you haven’t done so before do try and get on the next outing!  Have a great Summer!

Geoff Mitchell

Chair at Waverley Dowsers

Michael Haxeltine has a great enthusiasm for promoting dowsing and is always available to provide talks and demonstrations to groups and clubs on this interesting quantum phenomenon, below are his reports on two group presentations that he gave in the last month.

North camp Fayre and the Dowsing stall:

The first theme was to interest children in dowsing per se. Michael is seen here demonstrating how in the not too mike_northcampdistant past  it was customary to “sex”  by dowsing  and you can just make the small ‘chicks’ on the table. Michael said that he was surprised that so many Mums who visited his dowsing  stand had used dowsing to see if they were expecting a boy or girl and found that the answer turned out to be correct when the child was born.



The second theme was  to draw peoples attention to the value of walking bare foot when conditions allowed. This allowed the body to  electrically readjust its self for self repair. The information  display that Mike had on display had extracts from the book ‘Earthing’  by Ober-Sinatra MD And Zucker. Those who read the information were astonished at the range of bodily dysfunctions that  ‘earthing’ alleviated.

Mike said that whilst parts of the book  were too technical for him the theme of the book opened up yet another door which as an aspiring advanced  dowser he needed to know about. The book also contained some notes of caution  if they were helping someone with earthing.

This book brings into consideration  town planning issues related to loss of green belt and urban and city open space.

Mikes second talk was with the Cranleigh Rotarians:

Recently Michael Haxeltine, who is Member of Waverley Dowsers,  was invited to speak on dowsing at the Cranliegh Rotarians regular meeting; at the Parrot Inn at Forest Green.

mike_rotariansThe picture shows the President and   Michael  showing him  explaining that a cone and pyramid have similar energies; both of which can affect humans.
The forked stick, on the little platform  is from a Rowan Tree, this was used in medieval  times to inhibit detrimental ground energies entering a household. Now we know this as a ploy to detect and counter against geopathic stress in houses. Some dowsers specialise  ‘in this sort of house clearance’.

Most of the Rotarians  had only heard of water dowsing and were amazed to hear about the breadth of the subject. Everyone seemed to find it fun to join in with some of Michael’s experiments.

Michael said that one of his successes  for the evening was to help a partially blind person to rod dowse.

Michael only spent  a short time talking about the origins of dowsing. He said that there was a lot of information on various Web sites if people wished to find out more.

On the 9th of July at 11am Waverley dowsers will be visiting the site at ‘Old Sarum’ this  is an ancient Neolithic site that has been used and reused throughout England’s history, once converted in to an iron age fort and later commandeered by the Romans this imposing hill that has been landscaped many times, was last in use as a major position of power when the Normans used the site including building a Cathedral and town within the site to take advantage of the Dragon energy’s that flow through it, this was later abandoned as the Cathedral was moved to Salisbury which is visible from this ancient Henge.

The last time Waverley dowsers members visited the site, they found two small stone circles dedicated to the Moon and producing very female energy, they identified the locations of the original stones used in the Henge circa 3000BC and contemporary with the ‘moon circles’ as well as the location of a mass grave, likely a result of the Roman invasion. For those who are energy sensitive there is a special place where your dowsing polarity will change (very strange feeling) and for those interested in archaeological dowsing, the Cathedral foundations are clearly visible for you to dowse the swirling water energy’s and Dragon energy that flow through it or you can dowse the medieval village which is no longer visible but Geoff will be providing maps to show the location of these areas.

Old Sarum is on two levels, the outer area where all the above descriptions are contained is FREE access for the public, there is another inner area where English Heritage provide a shop and information plus access to the iron age and Roman fort area which they do charge for.

We will be meeting on the site at 11am on Saturday the 9th, all are welcome and we will not be charging anyone for this fabulous day of dowsing. Bring your picnic if you wish or you may prefer to use the nearby pub/restaurant for your food. If the weather is good we will expect to stay on site for many hours and will be providing ‘dowsing flags’ for anyone who would like to mark out any dowsing they discover. The Dragon energy’s are both male and female and are the same ones that flow through Catherine’s hill near Winchester and identified in the book ‘The Spine of Albion’ by Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare.

There is a carpark on the site, please contact Geoff Mitchell (Chairman of Waverley dowsers) or Michael Haxiltine for any further information or to arrange a lift or pick up. Old Sarum is in Wiltshire, the full address is – Castle Rd, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3SD or you can check out the site through Google or follow this link to the English Heritage website for additional information.

To receive further information about membership or forthcoming events you may telephone Michael Haxeltine on 01252 541639 or email Geoff on or use our contact page for email or further information.

Waverley dowsers have pencilled in some outside visits for 2016 to take advantage of the warmer weather of the summer months. The first one on the new schedule was to re-visit St Catherine’s Hill near Winchester, then later we have Old Sarum, an ancient formidable Citadel that was once a Henge and has male and female dragon lines running through it and then the St Marys Church in Guildford, where we hope to connect with the sacred dragon energies that run through the Church grounds and building.

St Catherine’s  Hill is a recognised SSI, a chalk hill amongst a local landscape of rippling geology, it is not the only chalk uprising in the vicinity, but it was marked out in ancient times as a sacred hill, and to emphasis this fact, the hill contains an ancient burial mound of late Neolithic or early bronze age fashion as well as the foundations of a medieval Church plus a very old Labyrinth, which has not been dated but wasn’t in place when the Church was built.

When Waverly dowsers first visited the hill as a group, it was under the guidance of Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare, duel authors of the sensational  book ‘The Spine of Albion’ a near ten years of research and investigation and conformation with their dowsing skills that two Dragon lines flow right up through the middle of Great Britain hitting land at the Isle of Wight and exiting landfall near John of Groats in Scotland, reappearing  in the Shetland isles before disappearing in to the sea to complete their circumnavigation of Gaia.

Waverley dowsers invited members, friends and guests to this Saturday meeting and we had four intrepid souls turn up, 3 members and a guest/friend, Alan, Geoff, Ken and Nadia.

There was a quick vote on what to do first and it was agreed that the Labyrinth was going to be the first investigation so the four first connected with the spirit of the place and then climbed the hill, Geoff immediately started to dowse out the Dragon energy lines, while Alan started to walk the Labyrinth, ken found that the female dragon line cut across a corner of the Church ruins and went to connect with this ancient sacred healing energy, Nadia went looking for a stone circle and found a wooden circle made over 2300 years earlier.

Geoff pegged out with flags the width of the male dragon energy line and reported that it has 24 ‘edges’ or 12 strips of energy, these strips can be a metre or more wide when the dragon line is excited through interaction with people as well as the sun’s photons of light.  Ken had on the previous visit also noticed that the male and female dragon lines butt up against each other and run for about twenty five metres before separating again to flow

in different directions and according to Gary and Caroline’s book, the dragon energy lines re-join together on multiple places, and these are the places which were marked as sacred by the ancient Stone builders, later the Druids and later still the Christian Church, all taken advantage of these strengthening and life giving intergalactic dragon energies.

Yin Water

After an hour of investigation and all of the group walking the labyrinth for their own reasons they settled down in the sun for a picnic, whilst talking about what they had found. The group then decided to explore a place that Ken had previously found where the female dragon energy had joined with a sacred water line, this underground water was dowsed as ‘Primary water’ or what Maria Wheatly has called Genesis or Yin water. This is the water from deep within the Earth that rise’s and provides the water for the holy springs. This water is not rainwater, but water that is squeezes out of the rock deep underground.

When the group reached the water lines, Ken said that they will find the water producing the recognised spirals or Rams horns, but that they will find as many as 24 spirals in each rams horn which they all duly did, with the members all meditating on their selected charged spirals using the Wizards Treeing meditation as it seemed the most appropriate at the time.

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