There are many methods and tools to use for Dowsing or Divining as some may wish to call it and these must be personal preference, but it doesn’t matter if you want to use a traditional forked hazel twig or wand or if you prefer the modern ‘L’ rods or something special like an aurameter […]
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Weekend Dowsing for Dowsing Geeks
Follow that Rod I have a great solution for finding a bit of adventure using my dowsing rods, whenever I go to somewhere new for a nature walk or even somewhere where I have been before. I take out a dowsing rod and ask “is there anything of interest here for me” and nine […]
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Pictograms & Dowsing
Earth Energies Symposium and the Pictograms Discussion I had the pleasure recently to attend the BSD EEG Symposium at Worcester university and one of the workshops I joined was the Pictogram workshop run by Nigel Twinn and Bill Holding, I was first introduced to Pictograms by Nigel in 2011 when I attended another EEG […]
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Dowsing in Farnborough
Dowsing in Farnborough The Waverley dowsers gathered outside Farnborough Technology College to investigate a site that Michael Haxeltine had first discovered and initially investigated with Geoff Mitchell when it was noticed that many trees had various growth deformities of twisted branches and unusual twisting bark patterns. Although the trees were of a reasonable maturity and […]
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Using Dowsing to Provide Healing to a Dog
Michael Haxeltine, last year’s Chair of Waverley Dowsers recounts his third case relating to healing a dog. The dog in questions was being retired from active duty with a police and was due to be rehomed many miles away from her duty area. This made a follow up difficult. However, now some months after she […]
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Sacred Temple Well Dowsed in Bulgaria
Getting to the Temple Well was a bit of an ordeal in the winter months as the dirt track in places merged in to the river forcing us to climb the slopes of the steep hills and force our way through a tough overgrown tangle of hawthorn, dogwood and brambles to bypass the flooded tracks […]
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Passage Chamber in Carnac
While in Carnac, France recently we came across a Passage chamber, if you think of a smaller version of Newgrange in Ireland then you have a similar picture, this particular one hasn’t been maintained or renovated although the undergrowth on top had recently been cut back in the last three or four years judging from […]
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Waverley Abbey Archaeological Dowsing Investigation
When the Waverley dowsers started planning to visit and dowse the 11th century Waverley Abbey in Surrey it was decided that it would suit everyone if we had some of the most experienced Archaeological dowsers in the country as part of the investigation and surprise of surprises we also had two Mayors who accepted an […]
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Research with a Pendulum
It is a funny thing with dowsing. Any attempt to divine something materially useful such as the Derby Winner or the next week’s lottery numbers just does not work. Even when dowsing with the intention of making benevolent use of the riches so gained seems to be fruitless. Like many dowsers I take the view […]
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Earth Energies Group Meeting October 2014
Avebury is a great place to go, the energies are so soft and cuddlesome that when you walk about over the whole site, you are never far from been bathed in these healing vibrations, perhaps only the Avenue lacks something as I often feel that there is something missing when I walk it, but that […]
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Waverley Dowsers at the Womans Institute
Waverley Dowsers at the Sandhurst Womans Institute Michael Haxeltine Waverley dowsers chairman gave a short talk on dowsing to the Sandhurst Womans Institute and this article is an outline of the topics he gave to his amazed audience. He spent a few minutes talking about the history of dowsing both the provable as well as […]
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Looking For Those Lost Car keys with Dowsing
One of the most common use of dowsing by dowsers, is to find something that has been lost or misplaced, from a dowsers point of view looking for their own personal equipment is usually a fairly straight forward task to accomplish because either the location of the missing item is buried deep within our own […]
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Dowsers Join Rural Life Centre For the Day
Waverley dowsers were allowed to set up a stand at the rural Life centre near Frensham in Hampshire. Michael Haxeltine and I turned up early to set up the stand and we then spent some time walking around investigating what was on offer at the centre while I took lots of photos of the wonderful […]
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Waverley Dowsers Imprompt Experiment at the Rural Life Centre Surrey
Waverley dowsers were allowed to set up a stand at the rural Life centre near Frensham in Surrey, there was a steady stream of family’s asking questions with Michael and myself being busy talking and demonstrating as well teaching people to dowse, but the British weather is fickle in April and we don’t say April […]
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Dowsing The Stonehenge Landscape
This article is based around Don Bryant a famed dowser and Stonehenge investigator of many years. Don opened up his talk by explaining about the landscape that is the greater part of the Stonehenge experience. I didn’t realise that the area around the stones was so important to the overall journey that our predecessor’s would […]
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Making Sense of the New Reality a Dowsing Seminar
Getting to the University of Cardiff was actually quite simple, finding the Philosophy building was a little bit more tricky as the sat-nav took me to the other end of the road, I decided to use my pendulum to ask some directions, but I had to get out of my car to do this and as […]
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Dowsing in the Garden
I arrived at Michael Haxeltine’s talk on Dowsing for Gardeners just as he was finishing setting up the array of experiments on the display table. Mike asked me to check for negative energy’s, so I walked around the hall and out the back to the washroom and kitchen and apart from finding the layout of underground […]
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Perfect Broccoli – Practical Everyday Dowsing – Part One
Hello, my name is Celia and I learnt to use a pendulum before I started school. It came as quite a shock to discover that what I now call “dowsing” does not go on in every family. My new friends were extremely suspicious of me so I kept quiet about it for over 20 years. […]
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Haunted Guildford – September 2013
Members of Waverley Dowsers and their guests gathered at the Tunsgate Arch in Guildford to explore the stories behind some of the hauntings in the town Centre. The session was lead by Celia Woodward, and was definitely not a ghost-busting exercise, though we begin by putting psychic protection in place just in case we disturbed any […]
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Dowsing at Queen Elizabeth Park
Woodlands Fair held at the Queen Elizabeth Park in Hampshire, July 2012 Steve and Mike of the Waverley dowsers had spent the Saturday at the Woodlands Fair which is held on the Saturday and Sunday at the Queen Elizabeth park on the south downs in Hampshire, the fair is held every year at the same […]
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