Waverley Dowsers have some interesting dates coming up soon. We will be continuing our outside dowsing trips by staying in Godalming for the next one. We shall be visiting the Lammas lands behind the Unitarian Church on the friday the 13th July. Come to our normal friday meeting spot at the Unitarian hall at 7 […]

Christopher Strong was first taught to dowse by his five year old son and has since gone from strength to strength in growing his skills. Dowsing now for more than 35 years Christopher released a book a few years ago, ‘Autobiography of a sceptical dowser’ which talks through his journey and how his skills have […]

This ancient Church has been chosen to be visited by Waverley dowsers at 2pm on the 9th June due to its rich history and multiple energies inside and outside this Church. Built on an even older sacred site, dowsers will be able to find the energies of a prior Stone Circle and the Sacred Dragon […]

The ancient Peoples of the world had a secret which was lost a long time ago, the secret was the knowledge of how to make concrete. The earliest discovered use of concrete is the Bosnian Pyramids (30,000 years old) and the landscape surrounding the Pyramids. Below are several videos demonstrating how the ancient Egyptians made […]

We here at Waverley Dowsers along with many in the Dowsing fraternity have watched and supported the Electric Universe Theory grow as more and more people realise that it provides solid observable evidence on how the Universe works. Book your place at the UK’s first EU-UK, the UK’s first International Conferance and Symposium, visit the […]

Sussex Dowsers present on Sunday 13th May, Astrology, Crystals and Spirituality with Patricia Godden Patricia Godden is a Scientist turned Astrologer. After obtaining a first class honours degree in physiology and biochemistry, she went on to complete a doctorate and further academic research in metabolic hormones.,. She then worked on the registration of new drugs for a pharmaceutical […]

Do you know who you are travelling with on the Psychic Highway Jane, Holistic therapist and experienced dowser has a wide ranging experience within the complementary therapy environment. Jane will lead an organic interactive discussion covering all aspects of psychic protection and provide a question and answer session. A session to excite novices and to […]

The Great Pyramid of Cholula or mountain Pyramid Considered so sacred it was buried to prevent the Spanish conquistadors from finding it this is the largest manmade structure ever found on Earth built in those times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pyramid_of_Cholula https://www.sciencealert.com/the-world-s-largest-pyramid-is-hidden-under-a-mountain-in-mexico With more than a hundred Dragon lines crossing at this point you can understand why the ancient […]

The events page has been updated for Waverley Dowsers Events for the rest of 2018, to see what the events are please follow this link HERE: http://www.waverleydowsers.co.uk/dowsing-events/ For those of you and for those who couldn’t make the talk about Dragons recently, please note that we will be visiting a local Church that contains a […]

On the auspicious date of Friday the 13th a Master Wizard will talk about and share the ancient knowledge of Dragons and their role in all of our reality’s. Wizards and Dragons have a legendary connection reaching far back in time beyond the written history of mankind, Dragons are not the fearsome beasts portrayed by […]

Peter Golding who is a Professional water diviner will be providing his last ever class for Water Diving on the 5th May 2018, visit Peter’s website for more details. Peter Golding’s last ‘Dowsing for Water’ course will be held on Saturday 5th May 2018 Village Hall, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire GL2 7DF 09:30 – 16:30.  Tea and […]

There are many ways a dowser can use their skills, they can dowse for water, Earth energies and Dragon lines but another fantastic use of your dowsing is to communicate with nature, you can ask the ‘Spirit of Place’ a question and using your dowsing rod or pendulum to receive an answer, just as you […]

Michael Haxeltine is forever searching for examples where dowsing is used abroad. Recently while in France he found that in some hospitals a notice can be found where you can find the contact details for alternative treatments and that included the addresses of dowsers. He also found that the French Gendarmeries used dowsing in rural […]

Energetic Wisdom is a fast track route to health and well-being. Former osteopath, Tony Mills, realised that manipulation of the skeletal structure was not always the answer and to best help his clients, he had to address the root cause. Tony works on the principle that we create dis-ease and dis-comfort in our bodies as […]

Ann Stallybrass will be providing the first lecture in what we hope will be several lectures as she expands on her studies of Star Gates and End Times at Waverley Dowsers on Friday 8th December 2017 at our normal meeting place. Venue: Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, GU7 3JB Opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100 […]

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