Earth Energies Symposium and the Pictograms Discussion
I had the pleasure recently to attend the BSD EEG Symposium at Worcester university and one of the workshops I joined was the Pictogram workshop run by Nigel Twinn and Bill Holding, I was first introduced to Pictograms by Nigel in 2011 when I attended another EEG workshops in Dorking, at the time I was stunned by a particular Pictogram and it’s multi layered imagery which indicated that this particular spot on the ground had multiple energy shadows and projections laid over each other and Nigel who we recognised as the expert on this subject in the group couldn’t decide if the Pictogram was a consequence of what had happened previously or if the Pictogram was the first energy imprint/imagery and the rest happened because it was there. But one idea discussed was that the Pictogram had been venerated over many years by various people who may have made it a point of worship, or perhaps an altar.
So at the EEG symposium, Nigel led the workshop at Worcester University and he started off with the history of Pictograms from the perspective of the modern discovery in England and the early group of pioneers in this work plus all the speculations and accepted knowledge up to this moment. Nigel did mention that he will be providing a full discussion in his forthcoming book which will contain a detailed description of Pictograms and will be the considered ‘the up to date’ knowledge at the point of print, but not necessarily the full answer.
Nigel took us outside to a place where he had found some Pictograms whilst providing a further talk on them, he explained that emotion had a lot to do with the creation of Pictograms, he then dowsed and marked out a Pictogram.
Investigation and the understanding of Pictograms could help to explain the consciousness of the Universe so this is an important area of investigation.
In short Nigel explained what had been found so far about Pictograms including some of the conflicting ideas. So if you place your own consciousness in to a certain colour state and then dowse you would get one shape but if you were in a different colour state (Chakra vibrational colour) your Pictogram could be re-dowsed and it would provide a different shape, similar but over-laid, in Nigel’s example he dowsed a five ‘petal’ shape in red ‘consciousness’ but when Bill the next dowser placed himself in violet colour consciousness and dowsed the same spot a four petal shape was over-laid on top of the original but slightly askew. This Nigel explained seemed to be a normal expectation, when the dowser was in a different vibrational state they would find/dowse a different shape and not always a similar shape as this example had shown. There had been found a huge range of shapes with no rigid pattern any shape could be created but all seemed to be related to emotion and no one had identified yet. how the Pictograms were generated, but human emotion was one way to trigger a Pictogram.
We all split into groups of three and started to dowse looking for other Pictograms, and it seemed to me that some were creating from thought a pattern ‘unconsciously’ while others really had tuned in to a Pictogram and were depicting the true energy as they ‘dowsed/felt’ it.
There was no solid comparison between each group (see photos) I have to bow and go along with the most experienced of the Pictogram hunters, Nigel and Bill Holding as their Pictogram displays seemed more symmetrical crystalline structures in different vibratory colours.
When I looked for and dowsed for a Pictogram, the shape I found was more rounded and evolutionary then the more angular shapes found by Nigel and I wondered if this may be to do with left brain and right brain dowsing, this may be a red herring but when I dowsed this question I received an affirmative to it. (ie: right or left brain dowsing would decipher a different pattern)
Below are some of ideas on where pictograms come from. I look forward to Nigel Twinn’s book when it is published to give greater guidance on this fascinating subject.
The Earth, is a round ball (well almost) we are aware of an energy field, or many energy fields inside, on, and surrounding the Earth, if you took away all the ‘matter’ leaving the energy fields and their individual structure, what could it look like. It seems that it could be a Toroidal energy field probably with many Toroidal fields inside each other like a ‘russian doll’, these fields also interact with each other producing effects of flow between them which seem likely to be connected to the flows of various energy’s throughout the Galaxy and beyond.
So we have a complex multi-layered toroidal energy structure which is conscious but connected to the rest of the Universe and which responds interactively with certain energy’s but expectedly with other Toroidal energy. Toroidal energy fields (theory) are now the recognised energies of dowsing, we create those energy’s in our own consciousness and likely our consciousness is partially constructed of these toroidal fields (as are atoms etc.. which make up all of matter which sits within these fields that make up the earth )
So taking a lead from Nigel’s studies, when a human ‘expresses’ a strong directed thought or emotion this could be termed a ‘seed’ when that human generated energy ‘seed’ lands on the energy consciousness of the earth, it flowers in to a Pictogram determined by the magnitude of the thought/emotion as well as various other inputs such as right/left brain to the thought, female/male child/adult, pretty much in the way that thought directed at water and then frozen demonstrates a particular resonance or shape as an ice crystal in a multitude of shapes that may be unlimited in pattern and symmetry. There is a dowsable field or flow of energy that covers the surface of the Earth, this energy field varies in depth between 6” and 18” (15cm – 40cm) and flows from south to north, this energy will dowse to the colour green (heart Chakra) using a standard colour chart.
We also have to consider Earth energies in the location of the ‘seed’ drop, we know soil constituents, temperature and various other environment conditions affect how a plant seed behaves, I suggest that in the case of a Pictogram growth we have to consider the potential of everything, from interaction from cosmic energies (sun, moon, planets and interstellar, intergalactic energies) as well as stray thoughts, emotions mingling with the substrata of the Earths Toroidal fields and I wouldn’t rule out interaction between the Other Worlds or even the other Universe’s which exist within the same space as well the direct consciousness input from Gaia.
Also consider past or future energies, could the Pictogram stay in permanent energetic contact with the ‘provider/producer’ in past or future moments of existence and would this affect or change it’s shape. I have also considered that our thoughts/emotions are tainted by who we are (ie: my anger/love may have a different complexity to the energy discharge then yours may have)
Energies do not disappear they stay permanent (to all intents and purposes) or are converted to an alternative wavelength for a different purpose, but will they remain ‘connected’?
A stupendous amount of potential inputs which at the end of the day creates a Pictogram, Nigel intimated that the shapes dowsed could be endless.
There is of course a difference between a natural spontaneous flowering of a Pictogram by chance with emotion and the earth/natural consciousness and one that has been deliberately manifested by directed thought. So perhaps Gaia rewards the right thought with a beautiful consistent energy ‘flower’, perhaps some of the crop circles are produced in this manner as well.
In the natural energetic world, consciousness responds to the input of other consciousness, what you think is always out there and on occasion your beautiful thoughts may be rewarded with a beautiful response from the Universal consciousness manifested on this Earth.

A Pictogram dowsed three times with the dowser placing themselves in to a different ‘colour’ mindset or Chakra vibration when dowsing the same Pictogram.
To see some more photos of the Pictograms dowsed follow this link HERE
Creating a Stone Circle
In the Afternoon I went to Don Bryant’s workshop where we were to create an energy stone circle thus demonstrating the autonomous way that matter connects to itself with subtle energies.
So first Don with various volunteers from the group marked out the external boundary of the ‘henge’ ditch with the simple method of pegging a tape measure as the centre point and walking the complete circumference whilst holding the very long tape measure, we squeezed in the biggest circle we could create within the boundaries of the grassy area at Worcester campus outside the tennis courts. While Don walked with his tape measure several people walked with him marking (with dowsers flags) the circumference at three depths every metre or so, the space between the two circumference’s was about a metre (the ditch of the henge) as well as an inner circle.
Don then tenderly opened his bags exposing some lumps of stone to the sunlight, a heavily quartz impregnated stone was placed on the centre spot of the circle, he then placed a further four stones, one at each point of the compass (north, south, east, west). Each ‘dowsers’ flag was replaced with a tent peg and a bright plastic tape was then used to connect all the pegs together, showing three circles (the outer ditch boundary’s and the inner ‘stone’ circle) The group members then dowsed all the circles to confirm that they existed in subtle energies. As well as the direct connections between the stones across the circle center, so the inner circle was quartered by the subtle energy lines.
Then Don said, dowse the cross lines and see what you find and surprise, surprise we all started to discover the typical water branch spirals you find when dowsing ancient megalithic structures, each quarter of the inner circle seemed to have six tendrils of energy lines branching off from the ‘centre cross’. Don went on to say that these subtle energies will continue to grow stronger during the daylight hours and will reduce overnight so by the morning you can discern a weakening, but that they soon gain strength when the sun comes out, indicating that the subtle energy wavelengths (or at least some) are put out by the Sun which are absorbed and re-focused and used by the stones OR perhaps the radiation/energy put out by the Sun ‘excites’ the atoms of ‘matter’ thereby causing the energy fields of matter (stones) to increase or perhaps both contribute to this observed effect.
This type of experiment has been documented in Jeffrey Keens book ‘Consciousness, Intent and the structure of the Universe’. But to actually get involved and prove to yourself that subtle energies are here, in everything, and consciously seek each other out to connect, is a great way to drive home the point that everything has consciousness and all seek to connect. Philosophically it might also show that those who refuse connection are not ‘in the flow’ (of the universe).
We then cleared away all the pegs, tape and the stones but were still able to dowse the circles as well as the center cross lines, again demonstrating that energy is never destroyed and that it’s imprints can be found a long time after the physical structures have been removed, this I guess Don finds a lot in his archaeological dowsing, finding the locations of objects that no longer exist and similarly done on a recent Waverley Dowsers evening when we all dowsed a water fountain and pond which had been removed over a hundred years earlier.
A short talk from Barry Brailsford about the energies of consciousness that the ancients understood:
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